Project Health Questionnaire

Because So Much Is Riding On Your Project

Ask 8 questions to assess the health of your project.

Ask yourself or fellow team members the following questions. Any confusing, unclear, or muddled response is cause for alarm.


Management Recap: Why are we doing this project?

Look for:

  • Consistency in responses: Are project constituents, aka stakeholders, consistent in their responses?
  • Clarity and brevity: Can team members provide a coherent, understandable response in less than 60 seconds?
  • Does their response address purpose, business outcome, and benefits?
Interdependencies: What are the interdependencies of this project?
  • Does the response address the critical interdependencies?
  • Or do you receive a blank stare?
Sponsorship: Do leaders demonstrate support for this project? 
  • Are leaders engaged in sponsorship meetings and conversations?
  • Do they demonstrate an understanding of the work and outcome?
  • Are they doing what they've been tasked to do, such as making critical decisions and promptly allocating resources (people, time, CAPEX/OPEX)?
  • Do they accept ownership of the project's status and expected outcomes?
  • Do they deliver ongoing advocacy via actions for the project?
Stakeholders: Are stakeholders engaged in project work?
  • Are stakeholders identified that represent all areas impacted by the project?
  • Do they understand their roles and responsibilities?
  • Have stakeholders provided full-time commitment as necessary to achieve project milestones?
  • Are the fully committed stakeholders from the frontline--the primary people who will use the solution?
  • Do they attend meetings, engage in discussions, and deliver requisite business, technical, or organizational direction?
Integration: Are the points of integration clearly specified?
  • Does the project's solution specify integrating other applications, technologies (social, mobile, analytic, cloud), and organizations to realize its business case?
  • Are stakeholders identified and engaged who represent those points of integration?
  • Does the project plan, budget, and schedule quantify the work required to realize those integration points?
Organization: Has the impact on organization been quantified?
  • Are the requisite changes to organization, people, and relationships specified?
  • Are the types of changes well articulated?
  • Are those changes adequately quantified in project plans, schedules, and budgets?
Nurture: How will the beneficiaries of this project be nurtured?
  • Is 60-day post-implementation support and reinforcement training quantified in the project plan?
  • Is there a plan to continuously nurture the project's beneficiaries (people, time, CAPEX/OPEX, and benefits) over the solution's life?

Remember the questions using MISSION™ as an acronym.

Hey, wait a minute. Mission has only seven letters. What's the eighth question?

Teamwork Matters

Teamwork must embody trust, temperament, tolerance, talent, and tension: