Many projects never have a truly independent and objective assessment. They may have a senior expert from your consulting firm engaged in the project conduct a periodic review. Such reviews may produce interesting insights and conclusions. However, consulting firms put their specific issues, risks, circumstances, and interests first.
Consultants value supporting business clients in achieving their goals. It’s their bread and butter. They need to be client-driven to be successful. However, when it comes to projects they are currently engaged in, their priority will be to get the ship righted without implicating their role or damaging their position.
The most likely source for receiving a realistic assessment of your project is from someone independent of your project.
Find an expert who isn’t associated with, or who won't stand to gain or lose financially, from the status or results of your project:
A friend of mine used a realtor to buy a home. This realtor recommended and paid for an inspector to assess the house to find potential problems and necessary repairs. The realtor was anxious to get the sale closed. The inspection report came back clean – no issues or concerns. Only after my friend moved into his home did he discover problems, e.g., light fixtures that didn't work, toilets that didn't flush properly, leaking pipes, etc. Do you think there was a little collusion between the realtor and his inspector? The inspector wasn't independent and objective in representing my friend's interest.